You are currently viewing Adelaide Goat Sale 14 November 2019

There were 2282 goats on offer at the recent Adelaide Goat sale. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No Average Price Average Price/kg
ANGORA KAPATER(S) 587 R 702.39 R 15.62
ANGORA EWE(S) 377 R 789.76 R 16.06
ANGORA RAM(S) 71 R 851.41 R 15.90
BOERGOAT KAPATER(S) <35KG 544 R 1 206.73 R 51.07
BOERGOAT KAPATER(S) >35KG 125 R 2 169.88 R 46.36
BOERGOAT MAIDEN EWE(S) 169 R 1 166.15 R 49.51
BOERGOAT EWE(S) 283 R 1 639.93 R 35.32
BOERGOAT RAM(S) 45 R 1 889.44 R 30.15
XB GOATS 36 R 1 270.83 R 31.66
LAMB(S) A2+ 26 R 1 150.00 R 30.26
MUTTON C2+ 19 R 1 697.37 R 23.51