You are currently viewing Adelaide Goat sale 26 November 2014

There were 1716 sheep and goats sold at the very successful Hobson & Co Adelaide Goat Sale. Prices were astronomical. Goat kids sold anywhere between R32/kg and R50/kg and Boergoat ewes between R18/kg and R30/kg. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No of Stock Average Price Average Price/kg
Boergoat Rams 38 R956.84 R20.53/kg
Merino Ewes 140 R891.14 R20.19/kg
Boergoats 1092 R922.43 R26.08/kg
Angoras 293 R750.51 R22.24/kg
Kids 153 R735.82 R36.56/kg