You are currently viewing Frontier Bonsmara Sale Success

Always one of the highlights of the Hobson and Co calendar the 2016 Frontier Bonsmara sale once again created a carnival atmosphere at the newly renovated Hobson and Co auction yard, with over 250 people in attendance. 58 thick, well-muscled bulls were offered, offering a bull for everyone from the top stud breeders in the country, to the diverse local commercial market. A big thank you to all who attended the sale for putting their trust in Hobson and Co and Frontier Bonsmaras.

The group consisting of Justin Stirk, Craig Handley, Brett Knott and new member Andrew v Kerken maintained their record of selling every bull ever offered over the 11 sales. The 58 bulls were sold at an average of R37,068.00, The top priced bull (Lot No. 7 GCD 14-143) was a Craig Handley bull sold to Darryl and Jono Fetting of Alphaeton Bonsmaras for R140,000.00. Bulls were sold to commercial farmers from all corners of the Eastern Cape and as far afield as the Free State, Limpopo and Natal

There was a special moment during the sale, when the Frontier Bonsmara Breeders donated all the proceeds from bull No.46 to Huis Diaz Old Age Home in Alexandria. The bull was sold to Johan and Matthew Liesenburg of Birha for R28,000.

The bull sale was followed by a quality offering of commercial females. With the production stock market under massive pressure, it was a great opportunity for buyers to purchase Frontier bred females at very affordable prices. 59 Pregnant Heifers were sold at an average of R9,181

Prices were as follows:

Seller No. of Bulls Average Top Price Buyer
Craig Handley (GL Handley & Sons) 19 R46,947.37 R140,000.00 Darryl and Jono Fetting (Fort Beaufort)
Justin Stirk (Goodwoods Bonsmaras) 24 R32,875.00 R58,000.00 Geoff Bladen (Bathurst)
Peter & Brett Knott (Bothas Post) 12 R32,666.67 R52,000.00 Sandre Erasmus (Cradock)
Andrew v Kerken (van Kerken Bonsmaras) 3 R28,000.00 R33,000.00 Rod Nightingale (Alexandria)