The second Glenheath Tuli sale was held in the Middelburg district on Thursday 25 September. A good crowd gathered to witness an excellent sale held by Hobson & Co with experienced auctioneer Paul Mills in charge of proceedings. Buyers registered from throughout South Africa and the 26 outstanding bulls were in high demand. An average price of R26711 was paid for the bulls with R41000 being the top price paid for lot 6 bought by Stefaan Weltz of Dullstroom. Most bulls sold for between R25000 and R30000 with only 1 bull being sold for less than R20000.
The 7 open registered heifers on sale were dear, averaging R12964 with Colin Raath of Cradock paying the top price of R18250 for lot 34. The mature females unfortunately followed the trend of most sales this year and prices were under pressure. Registered pregnant cows averaged R7470 and commercial Pregnant cows averaged R7000. Sellers Gordon Gilfillan and Dave Mullins were delighted with the outcome of the auction and it bodes well for the breed in a traditional sheep farming area. Bulls were bought by buyers the Western Cape through to Kei Mouth and as far as Mpumalanga.