You are currently viewing Graaff Reinet Sale 18 February 2021

There were 1118 sheep & goats at the recent Graaff Reinet sale. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No Average Price Average Price/kg
BOERGOAT KAPATER(S) <35KG 38 R 1 010.00 R 42.08
BOERGOAT MAIDEN EWE(S) 23 R 830.00 R 43.68
LAMB(S) (THIN) 371 R 1 023.79 R 35.37
LAMB(S) A2+ 321 R 1 364.25 R 36.26
LAMB(S) AB GRADE 46 R 1 367.39 R 33.14
MUTTON C1 112 R 1 150.85 R 24.40
MUTTON C2+ 200 R 1 394.85 R 26.52
RAM(S) (SLAUGHTER) 7 R 1 264.29 R 22.24