You are currently viewing Steytlerville Sale 11 February 2016

There were 748 sheep & goats at the recent Steytlerville sale. Prices were very high, with both mutton & lamb being scarce. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No of Stock Average Price Average Price/KG
Rams (Slaughter) 6 R1223.33 R17.48/kg
Lambs (Thin) 163 R930.18 R27.67/kg
Lambs (A2+) 116 R1084.35 R29.17/kg
Lambs (AB Grade (AB2+) 39 R1065.86 R24.05/kg
Mutton (Trade/M1) 59 R1119.57 R23.13/kg
Mutton (M2+) 327 R1217.09 R23.18/kg
Angora Ewes 13 R470.00 R13.82/kg
Boergoat Kapaters <35kg 3 R700.00 R30.43/kg
Boergoat Maiden Ewes 9 R700.00 R30.43/kg
Boergoat Ewes 12 R892.50 R20.17/kg
Boergoat Rams 1 R950.00 R18.27/kg