You are currently viewing Steytlerville sale 13 November 2019

There were 497 sheep on offer at the recent Steytlerville sale. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No Average Price Average Price/kg
LAMB(S) (THIN) 36 R 866.81 R 27.04
LAMB(S) A2+ 102 R 1 101.86 R 29.78
STORE LAMB(S) 59 R 778.90 R 26.68
LAMB(S) AB GRADE 27 R 985.56 R 23.36
MUTTON (VERY THIN) 7 R 892.86 R 17.42
MUTTON C1 138 R 952.46 R 18.11
MUTTON C2+ 104 R 1 180.34 R 20.40
RAM(S) (SLAUGHTER) 24 R 1 221.88 R 16.40