You are currently viewing Charlgrove Sale 27 August 2013

There was a good turnout of cattle at the Hobson & Co Monthly Charlgrove auction. 648 Cattle came under the hammer, with quality cattle fetching good prices. Notable prices were:

  • A fat cow sold for R8250 by Darian Keeton of Hope Farm realizing R13.64/kg
  • John Ford sold 15 Weaners for R4400 achieving R15.77/kg

Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No of Stock Average Price Average Price/Kg
Cows & Calves 21 R5700 R5700
Bulls 16 R6006.25 R11.74/kg
Cows 109 R5333.94 R12.03/kg
Weaners 433 R2931.12 R14.53/kg
Heifers 20 R4085.00 R11.29/kg
Oxen 26 R6578.85 R13.40/kg
Frieslands/Jersey X 23 R2689.13 R9.18/kg

The next auction is to be held on 17 September 2013