Doornpoort Boergoat & EP Dorper Ram Sale
To view the Catalogue please click on EP Dorper Club Ram & Ewe Sale Catalogue.pdfRams on offer:Ewes on offer:
To view the Catalogue please click on EP Dorper Club Ram & Ewe Sale Catalogue.pdfRams on offer:Ewes on offer:
The EP Dorper & EP Boergoat Veld Ram sale was held on Wednesday 13 March 2019. Proceedings kicked off with PJ van Rensburg selling his Persian Rams which averaged R3375.…
The Quattro Boergoat, EP Dorper and EP Persian club sales were held together at the Willowmore Showgrounds on Wednesday 10th October. All parties were nervous about what the effects of…
The EP Dorper & EP Boergoat Club Ram Sale was held in Graaff Reinet on 24 January 2018. Prices & Averages were as follows: Type of Stock No Average Price…
The annual EP Dorper Club Ram Sale & Quattro Boergaot sale was held at the Willowmore Showgrounds on Wednesday 11th October. This year a Persian Ram & Ewe sale was…
80 Dorpers and 31 ewes were sold at the recent EP Dorper veld Ram sale. The Sale averages were as follows: Type of Stock No Highest Price Average Price Seller…
The annual Quattro Boergoat and E.P. Dorper club sale was held at the Willowmore Showgrounds on Wednesday 12th October. It was an absolutely outstanding sale considering the drought and economic…
Hobson & Co held a highly successful sale for the EP Boergoat and EP Dorper clubs at the Graaff Reinet Showgrounds on Wednesday 20th January. Against all expectations and the…
There was a good turnout at the recent Willowmore Quattro & EP Dorper sale. 97 Buyers registered on the day. Prices were as follows: Type of Stock No of Stock…