You are currently viewing Adelaide Sale 13 January 2016

There were 159 sheep and 229 cattle at the first Adelaide sale of the year. Prices have dropped a little bit from the Christmas market but still remain firm. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No of Stock Average Price Average Price/KG
Lambs (A2+) 20 R930.00 R24.47/kg
Rams (Slaughter) 1 R1020.00 R14.57/kg
Mutton (Trade/C1) 90 R981.94 R21.29/kg
Mutton (C2+) 45 R1035.11 R19.72/kg
Boergoat Kapater <35kg 2 R810.00 R15.58/kg
Boergoat Ewes 1 R830.00 R18.44/kg
A Grades (Thin) 4 R4600.00 R13.16/kg
A Grades (A2+) 10 R4900.00 R16.73/kg
AB Grades (Thin) 5 R3400.00 R10.57/kg
AB Grades (AB2+) 7 R5857.14 R13.08/kg
B Grades (B2+) 3 R5300.00 R12.16/kg
Bulls (Slaughter) 4 R7700.00 R13.08/kg
Cows (Store/C1) 31 R5746.77 R12.67/kg
Cows (C2+) 112 R6777.23 R14.33/kg
Slaughter Oxen 6 R6300.00 R14.03/kg
Heifers 181-210kg 16 R3000.00 R15.15/kg
Heifers 211-250kg 1 R3250.00 R15.12/kg
Nguni Tollies 211-250kg 3 R1800.00 R8.70/kg
Tollies <180kg 7 R3150.00 R19.09/kg
Tollies 181-210kg 9 R2411.11 R12.17/kg
Tollies 251-280kg 5 R4170.00 R15.16/kg
Tollies 321kg+ 1 R4500.00 R12.86/kg