You are currently viewing Charlgrove Fatstock Sale 26 November 2013

There were 588 Cattle sold at the recent Charlgrove Fatstock and monthly Auction. Prices were exceptional, with the quality of cattle outstanding.Weaners were selling up to R18.66kg, and fat cows up to 15.26/kg Well done to all those who entered in the competition. Competition results were as follows:

Fat Ox:

  • 1st Place: Wallo Currie (Ox sold for R17600 weighing 1060kg)
  • 2nd Place: Wallow Currie (Ox soldĀ for R14900 weighing 850kg)
  • 3rd Place Charlie & Wendell Muir (Ox soldĀ for R14200 weighing 835kg

Best Group of Oxen:

  • 1st Place: Lindale Trust (Rex Amm) A group of 4 oxen selling for R10000 weighing 629kg

Fat Cow:

  • 1st Place: John & Debbie Ford (Cow sold for R10600 weighing 695kg
  • 2nd Place: Bill Harvey (Cow sold for R9500 weighing 610kg
  • 3rd Place: CH Cockcroft (Cow sold for R9500 weighing 615kg)