You are currently viewing Adelaide Goat Sale 15 November 2018

There were 2517 sheep & goats on offer at the recent Hobson & Co Adelaide Goat Sale. An outstanding offering was presented on the day. We would like to thank all the farmers for their continuous support, as well as the buyers for making it a successful sale. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No Average Price Average Price
ANGORA KAPATER(S) 314 R 1 128.34 R 24.57
ANGORA EWE(S) 338 R 1 092.44 R 23.68
BOERGOAT KAPATER(S) <35KG 586 R 1 411.72 R 49.68
BOERGOAT KAPATER(S) >35KG 403 R 1 682.26 R 42.70
BOERGOAT MAIDEN EWE(S) 127 R 1 333.66 R 60.84
BOERGOAT EWE(S) 497 R 1 477.63 R 34.17
SAVANNAH RAM(S) 10 R 2 225.00 R 36.24
XB GOATS 3 R 1 000.00 R 31.91
LAMB(S) A2+ 35 R 1 275.00 R 34.46
STORE LAMB(S) 92 R 1 275.00 R 43.97
MUTTON C2+ 112 R 1 376.79 R 26.61