It is that time of the year again . It’s BULL SALE time ! Do I need a bull ? Can I afford one ? These questions go through our minds as we contemplate farming conditions , financial situations and the present state of the livestock markets .
We are in a very competitive industry and there is no room for error and we need to make the right decisions . Margins are so tight these days you cannot have your cattle performing below their full potential . The feedlots have modernized to such an extent now that poor quality cattle are identified almost immediately .
One of the obvious decisions therefore is to purchase the BEST BULL your budget can afford to maximize weaner weights and improve the quality of your herd .
The temptations to keep your best bull calf or buy a second hand bull from your neighbour are always there but normally end in disaster . Disease , infertility , poor growth and temperament are normally the problems encountered ! Don’t forget these animals don’t come at no cost !
Our prediction is that in 2014 there should be very affordable quality bulls out there in the range R20 000 to R30 000 . Don’t miss the opportunity !
Try to buy a PERFORMANCE TESTED BULL from a reputable breeder with figures so you can at least have an indication as to how he should breed . Make sure that he is functionally sound and is also pleasing to YOUR eye .
On auctions where the bulls are screened and meet breed standards the risk of a bad buy are minimized , especially if the catalogue is comprehensive .
So please go through your bulls , check their fertility , age , and how they have bred ( it’s no good to keep a dud just because you paid money for him ) . Work out how many bulls you need and make sure you have one spare . Too few bulls have created many a disaster !
Decide where you are going to buy ,preferably see the bulls before the sale or at least study the catalogue and decide on your budget . Plan as if you were buying a new Bakkie – your bull is going to make you far more money I promise you !
Do not get carried away and buy something on the spur of the moment – you will live to regret it .
Do not chop and change with breeds unless it is for very good reasons . It can take years to rectify !
Consider the sale as an exciting outing , get there on time , go through the bulls thoroughly and if necessary get a second opinion .
Pay more for your first choice and don’t compromise on quality . There are lots of sales to buy bulls on .
Think about insuring your bull if you live in a high risk area .
LOOK AFTER YOUR BULL and you will see that they will seldom let you down .Good luck
Yours in cattle
Paul Hobson