You are currently viewing EP Dorper & EP Boergoat Sale 24 January 2018

The EP Dorper & EP Boergoat Club Ram Sale was held in Graaff Reinet on 24 January 2018. Prices & Averages were as follows:

Type of Stock No Average Price Top Price Seller
BOERGOAT RAM (STUD) 6 R 6 416.67 R 9 500.00 M Barnard
BOERGOAT RAM (FLOCK 21 R 5 833.33 R 12 250.00 DR Biggs
DORPER EWE(S) (T5) 7 R 2 807.14 R 3 400.00 JT Viljoen
DORPER EWE(S) (FLOCK) 2 R 2 600.00 R 2 600.00 JT Viljoen
DORPER RAM (T5) 5 R 13 500.00 R 23 000.00 ML Phillips
DORPER RAM (STUD) 20 R 7 575.00 R 16 500.00 IL Phillips & Son
DORPER RAM (FLOCK) 20 R 5 812.50 R 8 000.00 Izak Nel
WHITE DORPER RAM (STUD) 6 R 7 750.00 R 10 000.00 ML Phillips
WHITE DORPER RAM (FLOCK) 7 R 5 428.57 R 6 500.00 J Michau & ML Phillips