You are currently viewing Frontier Bonsmara Sale Averages

152 Buyers registered at the Frontier Sale. 69 Bulls averaged R75623.19 with a top priced bull of R420000 (Lot 12 sold by Justin Stirk. 375 females were also sold on the sale. Averages were as follows:

Description No Average Price Top Price Buyer
Bonsmara Bulls 69 R75,326.19 R420,000.00 L Riekert
Registered Pregnant Cows 12 R37,333.33 R45,000.00 E Muller
Registered Cows & Calves 9 R35,555.55 R47,000.00 JS Marais
Commercial 3-in-1’s 1 R26,636.00 R28,000.00 S van der Merwe
Cows & Calves 32 R25,734.00 R27,500.00 G Coetzee
Preg Heifers (Spring) 100 R23,775.00 R31,000.00 Khanya Ngonuyama
Preg Cows 44 R26,613.00 R28,000.00 H Schonfeldt
Old Preg Cows 31 R20,241.00 R22,000.00 P Billson
Preg Heifers (Autum) 28 R19,714.00 R20,500.00 J Jooste
Mateable Heifers 39 R17,974.00 R20,000.00 S Johnson
Heifers Running with Bull 42 R14,892.00 R16,000.00 P Billson
Weaner/Yearling 22 R11,113.00 R13,500.00 S Lubbe


Frontier 2021
(From L-R) Gerrit Meyer, Brandon Leer, Justin Stirk, Leon Riekert (Buyer Lot 12 R420000), Craig Handley, Andrew van Kerken, Gary McNamara, Paul Hobson