You are currently viewing Grahamstown sale 06 February 2014

There were 710 sheep & goats and 410 cattle that were bought and sold at the recent Grahamstown monthly sale. Prices were good on the day, with the market showing that lambs were in short supply. Prices were as follows:

Type of Stock No of Stock Average Price Average Price/KG
Rams 1 R1060.00 R12.93/kg
Ewes 181 R815.83 R15.64/kg
Lambs 463 R816.92 R22.92/kg
Boergoats 21 R754.29 R24.96/kg
Angora/XB Goats 68 R375.88 R11.92/kg
Bulls 6 R7216.76
Cows 116 R5295.62
Calves 145 R3445.69
Heifers 45 R5220.00
Oxen 51 R5079.41
Cows & Calves 37 R7321.62 R7321.62
Fries/Jersey X 10 R2205.00